LIfe at Meta - Camera Operator
Sovereign Debt Stream - Director/ Vision Mixer/camera
Day in the life - Cinematographer
A&O - Cinematographer
Commodity Insights - Remote Producer/Director
Investor Viewpoint - MSO, Director / Vision Mixer
Finding Factor Fit - Multi-camera remote shoot.
Case Study
Stepping into Mixed Reality
Sometimes to achieve our objectives we need to go further. In this case, we needed to create background plates that matched precisely the sensor, focal length, distance, and height of the different cameras. We used pre-rendered 3D scenes for reference and scenes pre-shot on a green screen that we keyed live to match all the calculations in the studio to the background we were shooting.
Case Study 2
Some setups are simpler than others and some require a lot more work to look simple. In this case study we will take a look at a multi-camera, round-table interview setup shot on location in an office. This location press ted several challenges that we will discuss below.
Some setups are simpler than others and some require a lot more work to look simple. In this case study we will take a look at a multi-camera, round-table interview setup shot on location in an office. This location press ted several challenges that we will discuss below.
The challenges with this setup were several, first the location: the only room large enough and available was the board room. It southeast facing in winter, surrounded by windows and the table could not be removed. That means we had limited space to work, windows in every shot with a constantly changing light, almost 180 degrees coverage with multiple cameras. the location recce was invaluable to assessing the limitations of the location and finding solutions.
The previz study allowed me to plan the position of the cameras and lights to avoid reflections as well as what was possible within the space. My gaffer was then able to rig the lights on location connected to a dimmer so he could control the intensity of the lights for each camera.